Just for fun…

July 10, 2007


Kaylee 0704
Samuel 0704

They’re getting so big. Samuel pulls up on just about everything. Kaylee is scooting all over the place and if she sees something she really wants, then she’ll actually crawl.

It makes me sad that planning a birthday party for them is actually in the near future. 😦

Well since my last post, Samuel learned how to crawl, pull up, and climb out of his Excersaucer! His first tooth has even broken through the skin. As for Kaylee, she is trying to crawl, and she has two little pearly whites!

Kaylee 8 monthsSamuel 8 months

First swim!

May 21, 2007

Samuel swimming
The babies went swimming for the first time yesterday! They loved it! My parents found this little boat that they can float around in, it’s really cute!
Kaylee swimming

Oh man…

May 20, 2007

I do believe this little boy has me wrapped around his tiny finger! Look at his face and those twinkling eyes!

    SamuelKaylee(block)Look at me

Green Beans

May 3, 2007

Let it be known that Kaylee Harbison does NOT like green beans. Haha, not only did she make funny faces when we gave her a bite, but she actually gagged!

I don’t think I like this stuff…No! I don’t.

I tried feeding her more today and she wouldn’t open her mouth at first, but if I put rice cereal on the spoon with it she would eat it. Babies are weird. 🙂

Samuel doesn’t mind it. Besides, he’s a male, he’ll eat anything. 🙂 Today he ate all of his green beans. No faces.

These are alright.

Peas are next on the list, maybe Kaylee will like them more than green beans.

We survived…

April 25, 2007

-6 months of sleepless nights
-Samuel and Kaylee getting a cold at only 3 months old.
-all of the family (except me, praise be to God!) getting the flu a month after they got over the cold.
-being spit up on and peed on more times than I even want to know.
-lots of other things that I can’t think of right now.

I love these babies more than I could have ever imagined I could, there are not even words. I do have to say that being a mom is probably one of if not the most hardest and trying things I’ve ever done. Samuel and Kaylee are huge blessings and I feel so grateful that I get to be their mother. Everyone says having a baby will change your life, but there is absolutely no way you can grasp just how much until you’re there. Though the wonderful joyful times far outweigh the rough times it is hard, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done but at the same time I love it!

It’s so awesome to watch them grow, they smile and laugh at us now and make all kinds of cute little noises. They change daily, it’s just amazing to me. Samuel just randomly decided last week that he knew how to sit up, so he can now sit up unsupported. Haha. Kaylee is going to have two little pearly whites in a few days. We went to see my sister’s new baby a couple of weeks ago, and it just blew me away that my babies were ever that small. In fact, they were smaller than Marshall. They only stay so tiny and cuddly for a couple of weeks, then they learn how to do all of these things for themselves. It’s so easy to wish that they can sit up, crawl, walk, so that they become more independent…but as soon as they do you wish they were little again. I’ve learned to cherish every little waking moment with them. I feel like I’ve only blinked since they were born.

Two babies and a flower

They had their 6 month check up yesterday. Samuel is now 16 lbs. 10 oz. and 26 inches long. Kaylee was 14 lbs. 15 oz. and 24 3/4 inches long. It’s crazy to think that they were just over 6 pounds when they were born and 18 1/2 inches long. Both of them roll all over the place and are slowly figuring out how to scoot. I’m going to be in big trouble here in a couple of weeks. They are going to be into everything! It’s funny when they learn a new sound because then it seems like that’s the only sound they make for a while. Kaylee is currently babbling “ba ba ba ba ba ba” and then the famous “pig squeal”. 🙂

Playing with daddy

Well there have been times during these 6 months when I have had to think back to when my last shower was, or if I remembered to put deodorant on that morning, but for the most part I am a survivor – maybe a smelly survivor, but a survivor none the less!!!

They get big so fast! We were looking at pictures last night of the first couple days and they were so tiny!

bed of roses
Easter Bunny

Happy 3 months!

February 1, 2007

I’m a few days late, but oh well. 🙂 I can’t believe Samuel and Kaylee are already three months old! It seems like yesterday that I was in that freezing cold operating room waiting for their arrival.

The doctor said we could start Samuel on a little bit of rice cereal because he was wanting to eat like every two hours! Every day he gets a little better with the spoon. He is doing a lot better than I thought he would. Samuel is getting a lot stronger everyday. When I lay him on the Boppy pillow, he pulls his head forward and lifts his shoulders off of the pillow like he is trying to sit up. Kaylee tries to do that too, but she can only lift her head. Samuel can also almost push him self all the way up when he is on his tummy. He also loves to talk, especially in the morning when he wakes up. He just doesn’t want to be a baby. *shakes head*

Kaylee, of course, is getting more beautiful everyday. She at least still wants to be a baby, so she’ll sit still long enough for me to take pictures of her. It’s really kinda sad…I have more “cute” pictures of Kaylee only because she doesn’t constantly move around. Samuel just makes funny faces. Oh well, I guess girls are supposed to sit there and look pretty and boys are supposed to be silly and make faces. 🙂 Oh, and Kaylee randomly decided to start sleeping in her own bed instead of the swing! YAY!