Happy 3 months!

February 1, 2007

I’m a few days late, but oh well. 🙂 I can’t believe Samuel and Kaylee are already three months old! It seems like yesterday that I was in that freezing cold operating room waiting for their arrival.

The doctor said we could start Samuel on a little bit of rice cereal because he was wanting to eat like every two hours! Every day he gets a little better with the spoon. He is doing a lot better than I thought he would. Samuel is getting a lot stronger everyday. When I lay him on the Boppy pillow, he pulls his head forward and lifts his shoulders off of the pillow like he is trying to sit up. Kaylee tries to do that too, but she can only lift her head. Samuel can also almost push him self all the way up when he is on his tummy. He also loves to talk, especially in the morning when he wakes up. He just doesn’t want to be a baby. *shakes head*

Kaylee, of course, is getting more beautiful everyday. She at least still wants to be a baby, so she’ll sit still long enough for me to take pictures of her. It’s really kinda sad…I have more “cute” pictures of Kaylee only because she doesn’t constantly move around. Samuel just makes funny faces. Oh well, I guess girls are supposed to sit there and look pretty and boys are supposed to be silly and make faces. 🙂 Oh, and Kaylee randomly decided to start sleeping in her own bed instead of the swing! YAY!